By Jeff Kavanaugh, JIRP Director
Taku Towers as seen from Camp 10, JIRP 2012. Photo: J. Kavanaugh
Welcome to the 2013 Juneau Icefield Research Program expedition blog. Over the course of the program, students, staff, and faculty will post entries describing their experiences on the icefield. Through these entries, you will be able to traverse the icefield with us, participate in a wide range of field research, and share in the day-to-day life on the icefield. You will also meet and get to know the members of this year’s expedition.
The main program begins on June 21, and runs through August 16. In the days leading up to our arrival in Juneau, we will be bringing you a few pre-JIRP posts that will demonstrate some of the preparations that go into a successful expedition – and will set the stage for both the field season and the main blogging effort.
We invite you to check back regularly. If you would like to be notified of new postings, please follow us on Facebook and Twitter; your comments are also welcomed. If you have a question you would like answered “from the ice”, please feel free to ask – we’ll do our best to answer them! Post your questions in the blog comments or on Facebook.
Here’s looking forward to a fantastic summer on the icefield – please join us!
Dr. Jeff Kavanaugh
Director, JIRP
JIRP 2012 – Blogging From the Field
JIRP on YouTube