We at JIRP set a high bar on respectful and safe behavior within our community.

In short, this includes the following:

  • Commitment to working as a team. The JIRP Expedition is a collaborative team working towards a slew of goals, both immediate and long-ranging. We expect participants to cooperate for the larger good.

  • A safe, secure, and non-threatening working and living environment. JIRP does not tolerate any form of discriminatory, abusive, aggressive, harassing, threatening, sexually- or physically-intimidating, or related problematic behaviors that compromise the well-being, equality, security, or dignity of other people.

  • Transparency in potential matters of concern (which may include matters relating to health, psychological and physical wellbeing, security, equality, confidence, interpersonal relations, previous travel or fieldwork experiences) to the senior management team so that maximum accommodation can be made in advance.

  • Commitment to prioritizing and championing the people and communities that host us and on which our educational and research program is based. We expect all participants to respect our local hosts during these opportunities for exchange and we expect all participants of JIRP to abide by local expectations of professionalism. JIRPers have an opportunity to lead the way in scientific discovery, academic integrity, scientific honesty, and communication of science in an open and constructive manner.

During the summer program, this includes two additional rules:

  • The JIRP Expedition is substance-free. The glacial environment is dynamic and includes inherent hazards. Additionally, due to the remote nature of the Icefield traverse, expedition members rely on each other first and foremost for 24/7 first aid and emergency responses. Participants are prohibited from consuming alcohol, marijuana, or recreational drugs.

  • Safety Protocols: The JIRP staff will lay out and fully explain a series of rules and protocols for safely living and working on the Icefield. Intentional failure to abide by these rules and protocols is unacceptable.

Code of Conduct forms:

Before joining the expedition, all participants will be required to sign a series of forms related to conduct. We review these forms every winter, but the most recent versions are available below: