Each of the 2016 student research groups started the summer with a faculty-authored research proposals. These documents, linked below, were meant to draw some boundaries around each topic and give the students interested in the project somewhere to start. The students were primarily in charge of further defining the scope of the research efforts over the summer. At the end of the summer each group delivered powerpoint presentations of their work in Atlin, British Columbia and submitted abstracts to the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting. Many groups presented their results as a poster at the AGU Fall Meeting in December.
The Mass Balance student research team in a snow pit dug through one year’s worth of snow.
A map of graviemetric sample sites on the Vaughan Lewis and Matthes Glaciers.
The Isotope Geochemistry student research group celebrates the end of a successful sample collection campaign.
A collection of plant samples on the Cleaver above the Gilkey Trench. Photo credit: Deirdre Collins.
A GPS Survey student collects GPS data on the position of the surface of the glacier. Photo credit: Brittany Ooman.
A biogeochemistry student researcher measures the dimensions of a supraglacial stream in the ablation zone of the Llewellyn Glacier. Photo credit: Molly Peek.