JIRP 2022 is on the horizon!

We are eagerly looking forward to our Summer 2022 field season. Student applications are open now, so prospective students should skip this form and go straight to the Student Application Overview page.

Applications for staff and faculty for the Summer 2022 Expedition will in December. When we open applications we will alert potential applicants through social media and through an email notification. If you would like to receive that email notification, please fill out the form below.

For more information on our traditionally scheduled programming, please see our Student Information, Field Staff Information, Logistics Staff Information, and Faculty Information pages.

If you are interested in applying in multiple roles, please fill out the form multiple times (ie once as ‘faculty’, once as ‘staff’).

This gets your information in the system for notifications for multiple roles.

Copyright 2020 Foundation for Glacier and Environmental Research (FGER), unless otherwise noted.